Creighton University, McGloin Residence Hall

Omaha, Nebraska


Holland Basham Architects


Residence Life Department


90,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Creighton University, a 5,000-student private university recently constructed the first new residence hall on campus since 1966.
The 276-bed suite-style residence hall with a strong residential character is situated in an expanding part of the campus. Four-bed suites consist of two double-occupant bedrooms, a living room, private bathroom and kitchenette.
Apartments for the residence-hall director, a priest and the residence assistants also are included. Other spaces include multipurpose lounges, study rooms, a game room, coffee shop and a 24-hour study open to the entire campus.
The site was situated along the expanding major pedestrian mall of the campus. This mall is the major organizing element to the campus. The building was situated to form a special relationship with the mall and to allow for future growth. The tight, slightly sloped site necessitated a five-story structure with a walkout basement.
The building’s form re-establishes a link between residential and campus architecture. Sloped roofs, articulated brickwork, projecting bays and double hung windows create a strong sense of place that the public recognizes as housing appropriate to a campus setting. The building floor plate is kinked to reduce the long corridors, and form a space between the building and the pedestrian mall. The setback of the building from the mall and the space created by the building’s form reinforces the significance of the pedestrian mall, and establishes a growth pattern for this expanding end of the campus.
Each student has a data/phone port that is linked to the main university computer. Each group and individual study room is provided with data connectivity. A cable-tray distribution system was utilized for organization and future flexibility for evolving technology systems. A computerized energy-control system was integrated into each suite’s HVAC system to control energy consumption.
Security for this urban campus was of utmost concern. Access to the residence hall from two different levels complicated the situation. Access is available from the pedestrian mall at the main level and the parking lot at the lower back level. In addition, the 24-hour study hall and coffee shop were to remain open to all campus students.

Photographer: ©Tom Kessler/Kessler Photography and ©Gary Gerding

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Cost per Sq Ft


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