Copeland Manor School, Learning Center Addition

Libertyville, Illinois




Libertyville School District 70


9,700 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The need for an addition at Copeland Manor School was clear—classroom space was at a premium, and enrollment was rising. The main entrance was not only hidden from public view, but also could not be supervised by the main office staff.
The new addition design solved both problems by adding a new entrance and driveway, administrative suite, specialized classrooms, computer lab and learning center on the street side of the building. The former library was converted into classrooms.
During the design process, “inviting” and “exciting” were adjectives used to describe the district’s hopes for this new addition. Surfaces of brick, colorful paint tones and playful flooring patterns differentiate this area from the typical classroom setting.
The library features cloud-like ceiling forms, along with a sun cutout above the story area. Students have materials at their fingertips, such as books on low-height shelving and technology centers with electronic encyclopedia/card-catalog systems in a kid-friendly atmosphere.

Photographer: ©HNK Architectural Photography

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2000 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

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