Concord Intermediate School, MOVE UP Virtual Academy

Elkhart, Indiana


Barton-Coe-Vilamaa Architects & Engineers


Concord Community School Corporation


6,537 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


As the higher education and business world continue to move to a more digitally inclusive platform, Concord Community School Corporation sought to develop a space for students that would support this movement and provide a collaborative learning environment.

A previously underused space on campus gave the school corporation an opportunity to house its new digital learning program. It required a variety of small group areas, flexible large instructional space and cafe to support the needs of the program.

This renovation includes structural changes to the existing building enabling the space to open up and maximize flexibility. Some of the small group spaces open to the main space to provide instructional opportunities, while others can be closed off with glass walls for either small group collaboration or quiet individual work space. The multiple TV displays and various input sources give the space endless opportunities to take advantage of the technological capabilities.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2020 Educational Interiors Showcase



Interior category

Technology/STEM Centers

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