Columbia Public Schools, John Warner Middle School

Columbia, Missouri


Columbia Public Schools


5,200 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


As the first Columbia middle school designed to foster collaboration, John Warner Middle School provides spaces with varied scales: small-scale corridor collaboration for peer-to-peer work, larger collaboration spaces that are team-based in size, and a media center that has been re-imagined as a center of innovation and collaboration for the entire building. The media center is situated off both the main entry way and the main cross building hallway. It provides a central point in the school and provides a vertical welcoming space, in addition to the traditional horizontal hallway space. The media center includes a STEM lab as part of the mission to be a central collaborative space for the school. The space is open and flooded with natural light, helping to add to the feeling of this space as the heart of the school.

Additional Information

Associated Firm


Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2022 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

Product suppliers specified

Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Windows by Kalwall
Ceilings by Golterman

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