Columbia City High School

Columbia City, Indiana


Fanning Howey


Whitley County Consolidated Schools


295,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Driven by community needs and the local economy, the design of Columbia City High School enables educators to apply a 21st-century curriculum focused on graduation pathways, collaborative learning and real-world experiences. The school is organized into multiple learning academies, including one New Tech Academy that acts as a school-within-a-school. Each academy provides a mix of open collaboration space and specialty space for instruction and research.

Highlights of the school include a 7,000-square-foot Grand Commons that supports dining and collaboration, as well as surge space for after-hours events. A nearby Innovation Center combines the functions of a traditional library with a digital media lab and a maker space.

Safety was a huge concern for the school district. Working with a nationally recognized security consultant, the design team focused on using clear lines of sight and extensive glazing to provide visual control and create a sense of place that engages students in their environment.

The combination of modern learning environments and timeless design strategies creates a new high school that will serve the community for decades to come.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Bronze Citation

Featured in

2021 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Common Areas

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