Colton High School Culinary/ Hospitality CTE Complex
Colton, California
The district wanted to expand and enhance the food service and hospitality CTE pathway at Colton High School. The improvements offer students an opportunity to gain hands-on practice in an environment conducive to the art of cooking with equipment commonly found in professional kitchens.
The project entails modernizing an existing 3,800-square-foot assembly hall and replacing aging and insufficient classrooms and equipment with a 4,700-square-foot culinary arts building. The goal is to provide a sophisticated, high-tech environment that will prepare students for careers in the hospitality industry and the culinary arts while also creating a social destination hub, “the colony,” inspired by the 122-year-old beloved yellowjacket school mascot.
The new contemporary facility fully supports the school’s curriculum with an indoor café run by students, learning spaces, flexible assembly hall with built-in seating and demonstration kitchen. The connection to outdoor seating areas with grilling area, herb garden and bar top seating provides a space for student gatherings, after-school functions, competitions, and front-of-house learning opportunities regarding serving and management.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2022 Educational Interiors Showcase
Work in Progress
Interior category
Interior Work in Progress
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