Coastal Carolina University, Clay D. Brittain, Jr. Hall

Conway, South Carolina


Pike - McFarland - Hall Associates, Inc.


Coastal Carolina University


48,996 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Coastal Carolina University traditionally embraces a teacher-scholar model, with an emphasis on high-quality teaching and engaged learning. The building’s construction is consistent with the classic architectural style of the campus and is pursuing LEED gold certification. The interiors are of high quality to model the university’s expression of excellence, while maintaining an inviting environment that enhances the learning experience and student/faculty interaction.

The building provides administrative offices for general faculty and department chairpersons, along with conference rooms and support spaces. Education spaces include general multi-use classrooms, which serve primarily humanities, math, English and history departments, and consist of six 25-seat classrooms, six 30-seat classrooms, one 85-seat lecture hall and two 125-seat lecture halls. Technological advances were incorporated into thoughtfully designed classroom spaces in order to optimize student/teacher engagement. Support services include a bagel shop, which has become a major gathering spot on campus.

The building, intersecting major pedestrian pathways, serves as a gateway, pass-through structure for inner campus connectivity. 

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Cooper Carry, Design Architect



Cost per Sq Ft


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