Clifford Pierce Middle School

Merrillville, Indiana


R.W. Clinton & Associates


Merrillville Community School Corporation


262,697 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Clifford Pierce Middle School underwent historical remodeling years ago that yielded a multileveled, disconnected arrangement of spaces wrapped in a mansard-style exterior finish. The district sought a total renovation to convert the building to a state-of-the-art middle school with additions that would house a student population of 1,000.
The project added a new kitchen, cafeteria and stage, auxiliary gymnasium and 30 instructional spaces. Remodeling work included the planetarium, a large-group instruction room, orchestra room, keyboards lab, computer labs and locker rooms.
Classrooms are arranged to facilitate teaming. Each grade-level pod consists of math, English and social-studies classrooms and a science lab. Next to each pod is a faculty workroom and a storage room.
The two-story main entrance was positioned to separate academic areas from physical-education areas. Existing interior circulation spaces were simplified and enlarged around the cafeteria and gym, providing much-needed space for large events. These act as a connector between the main entrance, student entrance and outdoor physical-education areas.

Photographer: ©Steve Koger

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2000 Architectural Portfolio



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