Clara Luper Center for Educational Services

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


GSB, Inc. Architects & Planners


Oklahoma City Public Schools


50,619 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design Team
Ryan Eshelman, AIA, LEED AP (Design Architect); Brent Clark, RA (Project Architect); Frances Bates (Interiors Lead); Paul Nybeck, RA, CCS, CCCA (Specifications Architect); David Stanton (Construction Contract Administration); Wallace Design Collective (Structural & Civil); Allen Consulting Inc. (M/E/P); CLS & Associates (Landscape Architecture)

The former Central National Bank, a vacant three-story office building constructed in 1959 and 1978, was selected to be transformed into a new headquarters for Oklahoma’s largest school district. The main building has numerous offices, conference rooms and collaboration areas for about 160 employees. New amenities such as training rooms and a staff lounge were added in the basement. The original bank vault was stripped of its safe deposit boxes and converted into a storm shelter that can accommodate all building occupants.

An addition, in a complementary and contemporary design style, contains the main entrance and reception area, conference and meeting rooms, and a large multipurpose room, which is used for school board meetings, professional development sessions and community events. With limited resources available, new life was breathed into an unused building to create an environment thoughtfully designed for the district’s needs and aspirations.

The building is named in honor of Clara Luper, a local civic leader who led sit-in protests that helped end segregation laws and promote racial equality in Oklahoma City.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2022 Architectural Portfolio


Adaptive Reuse

Interior category

Administrative Areas/Offices

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