CL & Rachel Werner Center for Health Sciences Education

Omaha, Nebraska


Creighton University


148,450 sq.ft.

Completion Date


Creighton University’s new CL and Rachel Werner Center in Omaha is a national leader in health sciences education. This building is the main entrance to the university’s shared space for its health science programs. The center has advanced learning environments, such as a simulation center, research labs, and cooperative classrooms. Its design supports interprofessional education by creating linked spaces with plenty of natural light and collaboration technology. Sustainability is a priority; energy-efficient features and rooftop solar panels supply power for all building lighting. Physical and mental health is enhanced through views of nature, natural materials, outdoor areas and open stairs placed strategically. The transparent exterior design connects users with one another and the nearby community. Circadian-tuned lighting was used in simulation areas that are deep within the floor plan. A variety of open and private areas use flexible furniture to accommodate teamwork and individual work. A unique forum space fosters interprofessional collaboration among all disciplines. Overall, the center offers a cooperative environment to advance Creighton’s mission of health science education.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Morrissey Engineering (MEP & Lighting Engineer); Thompson, Dreessen & Dorner (Civil/Structural Engineer); RDG Planning & Design (Landscape Architecture)

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2024 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Healthcare Facilities/Teaching Hospitals

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