Chester Thompson Elementary School

Spanaway, Washington


Erickson McGovern Architects


Bethel School District No. 403


64,925 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Chester Thompson Elementary School is the first of 17 elementary schools in the Bethel School District to be two stories. This dynamic two-story design allowed for the most efficient use of the limited site. Thompson is a replacement school that shares a 27-acre site with Spanaway Junior High.
Phasing and site utilization were critical issues for this project because school remained in session during construction. The first phase of the project turned the junior high sports field into the new Chester Thompson Elementary School. Additional phases will replace the old elementary building with a new junior high school.
The school is larger than its predecessor; it houses 650 elementary students and 75 preschool students. In addition, it is one of the first schools in the state of Washington to be tested for compliance with the newly adopted sustainable-school protocol. Key features in the school include light shelves in the classrooms and a ground-loop heat-recovery mechanical system.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2007 Architectural Portfolio

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