Chatham High School

Chatham, New Jersey


Design Resources Group


School District of the Chathams


57,771 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Chatham High School consists of an existing 1958 building with an addition from 1972. The latest additions feature a 10-classroom science wing, a 3,500-square-foot music suite and a 9,000-square-foot media center.
Centrally situated, the media center is an infill to the existing courtyard from the 1972 addition. The layout of the space satisfies its function, while enhancing the overall interior atmosphere. Indirect lighting washes the skewed bookcase aisles, as well as the adjacent computer areas. Tinted glass skylights allow natural daylight to intermingle with the shadows of the structural colonnade that run the length of the space. Special attention was paid to solar angle and the depths of the lightwells. The achieved effect is maximum view with minimal heat gains. A soft earthtone color palette, accented by rich cherry casework and window-well treatments, makes for a warm and inviting space for students and faculty alike.

“Restrained use of highlight colors very well done with quiet dignity.”—2003 jury

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft



Gold Citation

Featured in

2003 Educational Interiors;2003 Architectural Portfolio

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

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