Charter Oak Elementary School

Temple, Texas


O’Connell Robertson


Belton Independent School District


82,500 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Creating a sense of place for young learners in a fast-growth school district was the challenge for Charter Oak Elementary School, where regionally inspired design features ground the campus in its community.

Inside the main entry is a mural depicting the history of the school’s namesake—a nearby oak tree where founders signed the Bell County Charter. Inspired by this heritage oak, the school design celebrates the start of a student’s education, establishing roots for a future where they can grow to be anything they want to be. This idea led to the use of natural materials and forms throughout. Playful light fixtures resembling clouds or ice cream scoops spark the imagination. Windows and interactive surfaces at students’ eye level promote observation of learning all around. Cozy features create a sense of place and comfort, and provide a sense of belonging and safety.

Each learning community, or neighborhood, contains five classrooms and flexible shared common space, reducing the scale of the 82,500-square-foot, 800-student building. Playful neighborhood entrances conceal color-coded security doors that support wayfinding.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2020 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category


Product suppliers specified

Carpet by J&J Commercial Carpet
Carpet by Interface
Physical-Education Flooring by Tarkett USA
Brick/Masonry by Acme Brick
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Door Hardware by Allegion
Cabinets by Torzo Surfaces
Ceramic Tile by Anatolia Tile Inc.
Doors by VT Industries
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Plumbing by Sloan Valve
Plumbing by Smith Systems
Skylights by Kalwall
Windows by Tubelite
Lighting & Accessories by Axis Lighting
Lighting & Accessories by Hubbell Lighting
Emergency Lighting by Columbia Lighting
Locks by Sargent
Card Systems by HID
Drinking Fountains by Elkay
Washroom Accessories by Bradley Corporation
Washroom Fixtures by American Standard
Washroom Fixtures by Sloan Valve
Washroom/Shower Partitions by American Specialties
Athletic Equipment by Draper
Scoreboards/Clocks by Spectrum
HVAC Units by Greenheck
IAQ Devices by Lennox
Card Systems by HID
Draperies/Blinds by Draper
Kitchen Equipment by Metro
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by Koroseal
Bicycle Racks by Madrax
Walls/Wall Materials by WR Meadow
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Accurate Partitions
HVAC Control Devices by Capstone Turbine Corporation
Benches/Site Furnishings by UltraSite
Benches/Site Furnishings by Merchants Metals
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