Charles A. Huston Middle School, Additions and Renovations

Lower Burrell, Pennsylvania


Foreman Architects Engineers


Burrell School District


124,447 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The design called for the additions and renovations to the Charles A. Huston Middle School to resemble the existing building and create a more modern feel for the interior spaces and new exterior facades.

The existing building is a two-story, steel-framed building with non-load-bearing masonry curtainwalls. The new additions resemble the old with steel structure and a mix of load- and non-load-bearing, matching brick masonry walls with punched openings and large areas of aluminum curtainwall framing. The additions updated the facades by incorporating curved roofs to offset the existing building’s style.

The revamped interior includes new administration offices, an auxiliary gym, a multipurpose large-group instruction room, maintenance offices, as well as a new library wing. The auditorium has been refurbished with not only stage equipment, lighting, sound and new seating, but also acoustic panels and sound-reflective clouds to provide a better venue for school events and presentations. These additions now are under review to acquire LEED certification.

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Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2008 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Library/Media Center Furniture by Blanton & Moore
Library/Media Center Furniture by Case Systems
Other by Blanton & Moore
Other by Case Systems
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Scranton Products
Auditorium/Assembly Furniture by Irwin Seating
Doors by Clopay
Doors by Steelcraft
Doors by VT Industries
Bleachers/Grandstands by Irwin Seating
Windows by TRACO
Ceilings by Conwed
Roofing by GenFlex Roofing Systems
Insulation by Guardian
Insulation by Owens Corning
Brick/Masonry by Taylor Clay
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