Central Park Elementary School

Midland, Michigan


French Associates


Midland Public Schools


84,860 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design team: Dale C. Jerome, EdD, AIA, ALEP (Principal-in-Charge); Suzanne Carlson, AIA (Project Manager)

As part of a district-wide bond program, Central Park Elementary replaces two aging elementary schools. The site of a vacant high school facility was redeveloped for the new elementary school; a portion of the existing building that houses the district’s art deco Central Auditorium was preserved.
The existing obsolete high school classroom wings were demolished, and the original cafeteria and gymnasium spaces were remodeled and incorporated into the footprint of the new elementary building; they became the media center and cafeteria areas, respectively. A group of more than 30 educators and stakeholders helped develop the design, which is intended to create a STEM-specific educational environment.
Unlike a typical school with classrooms along either side of a corridor, the building has learning suites for each grade level. Each learning suite clusters five learning studios around a maker space and STEM studio. Each learning studio (classroom) is opened to the maker space and STEM studio area by a glass overhead door. Each learning suite also leads to an outdoor classroom area that provides not only play areas for students, but also specific STEM curriculum learning opportunities.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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