Center Elementary School

Tewksbury, Massachusetts


Tewksbury Public Schools


139,500 sq.ft.

Completion Date


Through an extensive evaluation process, the community decided to construct a 790-student elementary serving grades 2 through 4 on the campus of the existing Ryan Elementary School. This districtwide approach brings students together early in their academic careers; it minimizes transitions between grade levels and facilitates a shared class identity. Upon completion of fourth grade, students will move into the adjacent Ryan School on the same campus. Pursuing this facilities plan will enable the district to take two aging facilities offline and alleviate crowding at two other schools.

The three-story school is organized around a centrally situated outdoor classroom with classroom wings radiating outward into the landscape. Interior collaborative spaces are bright and colorful. These spaces are adjacent to Art, STEAM and the general classroom wing to maximize use and display the great work of the students. Community visioning sessions emphasized the need for outdoor learning, gardens, greenhouse space and accessible green roofs reflecting Tewksbury’s rich history of horticulture.

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Bronze Citation

Featured in

2024 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Common Areas

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