Carnegie Mellon University, Roger L. Preger Intelligent Workplace

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Bohlin Cywinski Jackson


The Center for Building Performance & Diagnostics


7,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics (CBPD) is a long-term demonstration, research and teaching project of the Advanced Building Systems Integration Consortium (ABSIC), a university-industry partnership established in July 1998 by Carnegie Mellon University. There are nine major industry members in the Consortium, representing a dozen major building product areas. The intent of the consortium is to have representation of all major building component/assemblies to manage the development of compatible technologies towards high performance workplaces.
The Robert L. Preger Intelligent Workplace is a rooftop addition to Carnegie Mellon University’s Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall. The objectives of the project are to advance student and professional education in thermal, visual, acoustic, and spatial performance, air quality, and long-term building integrity. Thus, the Intelligent Workplace provides a living and lived-in laboratory for testing new, innovative products while demonstrating major changes in the advanced workplace. Its construction demonstrates innovative, high-performance assemblies in its enclosure, mechanical/electrical systems, and telecommunications systems, as well as in its interior finishes and furnishings.
The Intelligent Workplace houses faculty and graduate student offices, learning/resource laboratories and conference facilities. The learning laboratories provide hands-on learning experience to students and professionals in thermal performance, spatial performance, visual performance, and acoustic performance, as well as air quality and building integrity.

Photographer: ©Karl Backus

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

1998 Architectural Portfolio



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