California State University, Fullerton, College of Business and Economics-Fullerton, California

Fullerton, California




California State University—Fullerton


194,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


California State University—Fullerton, the third-largest accredited undergraduate business school in the nation, commissioned the architect to design a new College of Business and Economics Building to respond to the school’s rapid growth, and to launch the college into the forefront of business institutions nationwide.
The new College of Business and Economics (CBE) building will serve as a gateway for the entire campus. It will consist of instructional classrooms, lecture halls and laboratories, and faculty office spaces for the five centers of excellence. The site development will include the relocation of the current entrance roadway into the campus, building demolition, underground utility relocation, parking lot reconfiguration and extensive landscaping.
Materials such as concrete panels and brick reinforce the campus context, and the building’s curving facade creates a strong identity for the college. The building also features many sustainable-design attributes and will be energy efficient.
The projected construction start date is mid-2006.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2005 Architectural Portfolio


Work in Progress

AS&U Design Competitions

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