Calhoun Hall Renovation
Cincinnati, Ohio
The University of Cincinnati leadership has recognized the importance of a campus that holistically supports the needs of on-campus student residents. It has identified the renovation of Calhoun Hall as a priority in the upgrade of its portfolio of residential facilities.
Calhoun Hall was constructed in the southwest quadrant of the University of Cincinnati in 1968 to provide housing for 860 students. The building is a 14-story concrete frame structure, built originally with a glass and metal curtain wall facade. The building contained limited opportunities for students to interact outside residence hall rooms, and corridors were dark and narrow.
The building renovations upgraded the student rooms and public spaces extensively, and completely overhauled the exterior building facade. The student housing space was reconfigured to provide more effective core functions and expanded lounge space, study areas, and potential classroom space. A community gathering addition was constructed on the north side of the existing structure to provide more secure access as well as program spaces for socialization, study, and major gathering events.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2024 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Residence Halls/Lounges
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