Cahuilla Elementary School

Palm Springs, California


WWCOT | Mills Architects


Palm Springs Unified School District


50,550 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Cahuilla Elementary School was named for the Native American tribe that first inhabited the Palm Springs area. This school was intended to honor that heritage in a manner complementing the surrounding mid-1950s residential neighborhood. This replacement school was constructed on the 7.7-acre site of the original 1940s facility.
The two-story classroom building and linking bridge structure were developed to provide more play areas on the extremely tight site. The two-story portion was in the center of the site to reduce its visual impact on neighboring residents.
Protected natural light is provided through a steel-pipe frame structure with perforated metal screens, which creates a light and airy canopy. The single-story buildings are wood frame and plaster with a tube-steel main roof structure. The two-story buildings and site walls are masonry with the same roof structure as the single story.
The school features a district-operated energy-management system. It controls individual air handlers with timed manual override; shutoff for prolonged open doors; and a motion-detection shutoff of each mechanical system as well as the lighting. The lighting is mostly indirect fluorescent with motion sensors operating dual-level switching.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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