Brunswick Middle School

Brunswick, Ohio


ThenDesign Architecture


Brunswick City School District


243,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design team
Edward Rawdon Shearson RA, LEED AP; Derek Behm; Melissa Blask; Alek Bosoy, Lindsey Burke, NCIDQ, LEED Green Associate; Abby Twarek Rainieri, RA, LEED AP; Telicious Robinson

The newly consolidated Brunswick Middle School replaces three older middle schools, two of which were previously on the site. The school’s architectural design aligns with the district’s educational vision, fostering a collaborative learning environment with a strong focus on personalized learning. The LEED Silver-certified project has six pods, organized by grade level and connected by a central collaborative area. Each pod has four classrooms dedicated to core curricular subjects: math, language arts, science, and social studies. The central hub houses student dining, a media center, and “Project Lead the Way” STEM classrooms. Additionally, the school boasts two gymnasiums, an auditorium with music rooms, and a connected athletic field and stadium.

Addressing challenges presented by the complex site, the design incorporates a 34-foot vertical grade across three plateaus to accommodate parking, athletics, the school building, and district-wide bus storage and maintenance facilities. A visually striking entry bridge provides a large public entrance and exterior windows for the STEM classrooms. Moreover, it creates a unique exterior plaza that extends the student dining area, offering a collaborative outdoor space.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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