Brookville Middle School

Brookville, Indiana


The Odle McGuire & Shook Corporation


Franklin County Community School Corporation


102,434 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Brookville Middle School is designed for an optimum enrollment of 600 students in grades 5 to 8, with a two-story brick classroom section. This creates a compact building form, which both minimizes site- development cost and allows for future growth.
The school’s architectural design conforms to the land’s shape by following the existing contours. The resulting building bends around the site’s southeast side to distinguish the academic spaces from the public spaces and to create an inviting main entry.
Spaces include 11 classrooms for grades 5 and 6, 10 classrooms for grades 7 and 8, and special-education classrooms. Additional features include computer labs, science rooms, teacher-prep rooms, art rooms with storage and a kiln, music rooms, a home-economics lab, an industrial-arts lab, a media center, an administration area, a physical-education gymnasium with locker rooms, and a kitchen/cafeteria with storage. All of this was achieved for less than $100 per square foot to meet the district’s tight budget.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2003 Architectural Portfolio

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