Brighton Middle School

Brighton, Tennessee


Fleming/Associates/Architects Planners


Tipton County Department of Public Instruction


114,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Tipton County’s growing population created the need for a new middle school. A master plan was developed for a 100-acre site that accommodates the new middle school facility adjacent to the existing high school complex. Security and expansion were two of the key program requirements.
The school was designed to initially house 900 students, with a maximum capacity of 1,200 students. Each wing was designed for expansion, which will allow classrooms to be added as enrollment increases.
Academic wings radiating from the central lobby provide a high level of organization and security. Each rear wing houses a grade level; the two front wings accommodate the athletic, music, administrative, library and kitchen/cafeteria functions. There is clear sight from the central lobby allowing staff to have total visual access to the students.
Public access is provided to the kitchen/cafeteria and to the 900-seat gymnasium for after-hours events, while the remainder of the school can be sealed off for security.
The middle school’s design reflects the architecture of the existing Brighton High School. The red brick detailing, green standing-seam metal roofs and screened rooftop equipment complement the high school’s facade. The project was designed, bid and contracted in 16 months using a fast-track method, and was delivered on-time and under budget.

Photographer: ©Pete Ceren Photography

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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