Brentwood Academy, Fine Arts Center

Brentwood, Tennessee


Earl Swensson Associates, Inc.


Brentwood Academy


28,627 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Brentwood Academy’s Fine Arts Center will give the school’s students in grades 6 to 12 a solid background in the arts should they pursue this direction in college. The center’s completed first phase addresses the academics of instrumental and vocal music, dance and theater arts.
A 2,500-square-foot black-box experimental theater, dance studio, chorus room, classrooms and office space are on the entry level. A band room, private practice rooms, sectional rehearsal rooms and forensics classroom are on the lower level. Phase II’s planned proscenium theater can be connected easily to the entry level’s lobby.
Flexibility of the spaces maximizes usage. The black-box theater, seating up to 150 for performances, is designed to serve as a recording studio, for rehearsals and one-act plays, as a forensics rehearsal and performance room, for cheerleading practice, dance instruction and for meeting space. The wire-mesh tension grid, 19 feet above the floor, allows aspiring theater technicians to perform intricacies of theater production more safely than on a traditional catwalk.
The academy’s commitment to fine arts through the center is interwoven in the school’s mission: to nurture and challenge the whole person—body, mind and spirit.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2007 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Auditoriums/Music Rooms

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