Brandon High School, Athletic Complex

Ortonville, Michigan


French Associates


Brandon School District


269,854 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Brandon High School was an outdated rural facility in need of significant improvement. To supplement a successful athletic program, a significant portion of the facility renovations focused on the outdoor play fields.
The new activities complex includes a stadium with bleacher seating for 4,000 people, a press box, concession stand, ticket booth, restroom building, artificial-turf football field, synthetic running track, long-jump pit, high-jump area, pole-vault pad and shot-put field. The stadium also includes a new 2,800-square-foot locker room. A stunning iron gate, painted in Brandon Eagle Blue, ushers spectators into this expansive space.
Interior renovations to the athletic facility include a 9,000-square-foot gymnasium addition with space for basketball, volleyball, wrestling and spectator bleachers. A 4,000-square-foot renovation to the existing weightroom also was completed during the interior renovations phase.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2009 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Physical Education Facilities/Recreation Centers

Product suppliers specified

HVAC Control Devices by
Bleachers/Grandstands by Southern Bleacher Co
HVAC Units by
Kitchen Equipment by Stafford-Smith

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