Bourne Intermediate School

Bourne, Massachusetts


Bourne Intermediate School


72,680 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The new school serves students in grades 3 to 5 students throughout the district and complements the existing academic campus. Material, scale and texture replicate Cape Cod’s coastal character in building and site.

This school hosts a variety of opportunities for student and community use both inside and out. The gymnasium and cafeteria serve as venues for the town meeting, club activities and summer programs. For example, the stage opens to both the cafeteria and gymnasium for events of different sizes. Audiovisual provisions, acoustical strategies and fixture accommodations maximize flexibility of the spaces. All indoor and outdoor spaces meet universal design principles.

The interior enrichment spaces are filled with natural light from the courtyard and gardens. The classroom wing contains general classrooms, special education inclusion spaces, and informal “team rooms” that encourage group learning opportunities. This team room has direct access to the green roof overlooking an outdoor classroom below.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

LAB [3.2] Architecture

Cost per Sq Ft


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2024 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

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