Bladen High School

Bladen County, North Carolina


Shuller Ferris Lindstrom & Associates


Bladen County Public Schools


12,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


This is a prototype high school design that is being constructed at capacities ranging from 800 to 1,500 students. The building, designed with safety and flexibility in mind, features a centrally located two-story atrium.
This naturally lighted central area serves as student commons, gymnasium lobby and cafeteria dining area. Academic cores, administration and guidance areas are accessible from the central atrium. The atrium’s centralized location makes monitoring the hub of school activity easy, while requiring only minimal personnel.
At $78.80 per square foot, this 12,000-square-foot common area provides a surprisingly economical, as well as energy-efficient, showplace for the school’s design.
Bladen High School also:
-Provides a flexible design.
-Includes safety features, such as parking areas in front of the school entrance and a single-point entry.
-Accommodates traditional or high-tech business vocational programs.

Photographer: ©Brian Creech

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2000 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Common Areas

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