Benjamin Franklin Middle Shool, STEAM Center

Levittown, Pennsylvania


Bristol Township School District


147,385 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The STEAM Center at Benjamin Franklin Middle School provides students with a centralized space dedicated to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. The STEAM Center, which occupies a previously dark, confined classroom wing in the existing building, is now reimagined with abundant daylighting, transparency between the various spaces, and a variety of small group spaces promoting the delivery of instruction around “research, make, and present!” Central to the STEAM Center is the media center, offering resources for student research in an open, inviting atmosphere. The media center is surrounded by a variety of production areas, including a makerspace, robotics labs, coding lab, design & modeling lab, and art labs. These spaces provide students with hands-on learning environments to conduct their research, which is then shared in the various presentation areas. The STEAM Center supports student learning with technologies that enable them to develop skills in the STEAM fields and enables the district to provide a curriculum that empowers the next generation of the STEAM workforce.

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Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2024 Educational Interiors Showcase



Interior category

Technology/STEM Centers

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