Belmonte Elementary School
Saugus, Massachusetts
Belmonte School was dark and deteriorating and needed a major renovation. Additionally, because of a district reconfiguration, the building needed to transform from a middle school into an elementary school. The all-concrete structure presented many challenges, such as having to surface mount all electrical conduit, which affected infrastructure and aesthetics. New openings in walls were to be minimal and, as with many renovation projects, many unknowns were encountered along the way. The design intent was to lighten, brighten, and inspire children and support 21st-century teaching and learning. The design solution includes a suite of five STEAM classrooms for varied project-based learning opportunities. All five are aligned in a row with visual and physical access from one end to the other for optimal engagement and idea generation. Dark walls that lined the media center were removed so that light can flow through the heart of the school. A three-story mural wraps the central elevator from top to bottom, depicting a forest scene while aligning with each level’s associated color code.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2024 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Interior Renovation
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