Belmont University, College of Health Sciences and Nursing, The Gordon E. Inman Center

Nashville, Tennessee


Earl Swensson Associates, Inc.


Belmont University


215,200 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Gordon E. Inman Center consolidates all the programs of Belmont University’s College of Health Sciences and Nursing under one roof. Situated on the former site of surface parking, the building integrates aesthetically into the fabric of the campus and adjacent residential community. As intended, the facility is “uniquely Belmont” in terms of warmth, hospitality, its sense of history, quality of features and attention to detail.
While the center’s classroom and lab spaces accommodate technological advances in healthcare-delivery instruction, the facility’s architecture projects the traditional face for picture-postcard positioning at the front of the campus. In the university’s architectural vernacular, the structure looks as though it has always been in place as an integral component of the 117-year-old campus.
Within the center’s learning environment, patient care for the entire cycle of life is accommodated. The specialized labs simulate everything from acute care to physical-therapy settings and are equipped as real-life spaces and clinical situations. All of the spaces are designed for flexibility in regard to both technological advances and methods of instruction.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2007 Educational Interiors

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