Beiger Elementary School

Mishawaka, Indiana


DLZ Indiana


School City of Mishawaka


78,580 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The new school replaced an existing school on a 5.4-acre site. To respond to the community’s historical sentiment toward the original school and its desire to link the new school with the former school, the original arched stone entry with detailed tracery was removed carefully from the original school and reconstructed as a feature element within the main lobby area.
The overall building organization provides a welcoming and inviting space for the community, and maintains a secured learning environment for educational instruction. The central circulation zone organizes the facility internally between common-use and instructional zones. The common-use spaces include the dining area/auditorium, gymnasium, media center and selected classrooms.
The instructional zones include general classrooms, technology labs, small-group instruction rooms and a teacher conference room. The students and community can occupy the school without compromising its overall security. The building exterior is constructed with durable, low-maintenance materials and incorporates vestiges of a community center with a cupola and an illuminated clock tower.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2004 Architectural Portfolio

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