Beacon Cove Elementary School

Jupiter, Florida


Song & Associates


School District of Palm Beach County, Florida


113,800 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


At Beacon Cove Elementary School, the architect incorporated innovative technology into the facility’s media center, with the aim of creating a sustainable and forward-looking educational program. The design provides a media center capable of delivering a range of programs, two dedicated computer labs and eight stations within each classroom. With an eye toward anticipated computer and media advancements, the architect created a media center that emphasizes sustainability and flexibility, and in turn promotes that idea as a solution to large and complex social issues students and educators face outside the classroom.
The design considers every facet of the facility and site in relation to how it enhances students’ and educators’ school experience. The exterior courtyard and voluminous stairway communicate the notion of community, and encourage the free exchange of ideas and development of relationships. This also occurs at the exterior courtyard space, which has a stage and informal seating.
The compact modular design allows for only two major points of entry, which are clearly distinguished from each other.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2002 Educational Interiors;2002 Architectural Portfolio

Interior category

Common Areas

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