Bayard Rustin High School

West Chester, Pennsylvania


Gilbert Architects Inc.


West Chester Area School District


260,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Bayard Rustin High School in the West Chester Area School District opened in fall 2006. After extensive discussions, the district decided to add a third high school instead of creating two mega-schools. Grades 9 to 12 are divided among four houses. Classrooms and science labs are on the perimeter to maximize daylight, and administrative support spaces, small-group instruction rooms, and instructional planning centers are situated at the core.
The school is designed into a main level, two-story academic school and a lower-level public/community school. The lower level is designed to enable use of the facility by students and community after school hours without affecting the academic school.
Using wireless technology, an advanced distance-learning lab combines smaller classes in each school into one class taught by a single instructor.
This high-performance structure incorporates high-quality insulation, thermal barriers and a small building mass to reduce heating and cooling costs. The building also maximizes daylight, natural landscaping and best-management practices to reduce energy consumption.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2007 Architectural Portfolio

AS&U Design Competitions

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