Battle Creek Central High School

Battle Creek, Michigan


Fanning Howey


Battle Creek Schools


61,575 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Battle Creek Central High School is a circa-1907 building in historic downtown Battle Creek. Prior to its renovation, the school served 1,200 students in grades 10 to 12. A comprehensive modernization and expansion enabled the district to integrate ninth-grade students into the school and increase its capacity to 1,500.
In addition to 55,000 square feet of renovated space, 11,000 square feet of new construction allowed for a dramatic expansion of the media center. Expansive, 18-foot-high windows in the media center were duplicated in the addition, along with ornate plaster pilaster and capital details. The two-story space features study areas, a conference room and computer labs.
A new 500-seat cafeteria and two new science labs also were added. The cafeteria features an a la carte menu and is accented by playful patterns, colors and lighting design. Careful attention was given to historic detailing throughout the modernized space, while upgrading the facility to a 21st-century academic environment.

“Nice volume of space appropriate for a media center. Good blend of technology and effective circulation patterns.” 2002 Jury

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Silver Citation

Featured in

2002 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

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