Ball State University, Art and Journalism Building

Muncia, Indiana


Ratio Architects


Ball State University Board of Trustees


210,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Situated in the center of campus, the new building defines the southwest corner of the north quadrangle landscaped area and creates a “gateway” campus entry. The design objective was to create a distinctive, modern building that fits into the campus architecture, yet has its own identity that expresses the two academic departments from different colleges. The building houses the Department of Art and Journalism, as well as a centralized food-service/dining facility, the university bookstore, a faculty art gallery and a lecture hall.
The spaces are organized within two primary brick and limestone building masses, a four-story east/west-oriented wing representing art, and a three-story, diagonal, north/south-oriented wing representing journalism. At the junction of the two wings, a soaring light- filled four-story atrium with open stairs is a focal point and popular meeting place. A central two-story dining hall features a fritted glass window wall. The design is intended to be open and inviting, fostering interaction among students and faculty. The facility features classrooms, studios/lab spaces, exterior courtyards and incorporates sustainable design.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2002 Architectural Portfolio

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