Ardsley High School Library
Ardsley, New York
Fuller & D’Angelo was selected by the Ardsley School District in Westchester County, N.Y., as planners and architects for district-wide learning and infrastructure improvements. One of the projects was to transform Ardsley’s traditional high school library into a space that would be multifunctional, interactive and state of the art.
Cognizant of a variety of teaching methods, school course syllabi and new pedagogics, Fuller & D’Angelo designed a Libramedia center within the parameters of an existing structure. By using elements such as glass wall meeting rooms, flexible furniture, reading lounges and robust wireless technology, the design creates spaces that are transparent, bright, inviting, comfortable, transitional and experiential. Indirect lighting enhances the skylight atrium area. Juxtaposing vibrant carpeting patterns and seating colors against a relatively neutral background results in a dynamically engaging space in which students collaborate and learn.
Additional Information
Associated Firm
Barile Gallagher & Associates (MEP), Grzebik Deisgn Group (A/V & Acoustics)
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2020 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Libraries/Media Centers
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