Andalusia Elementary School

Andalusia, Alabama


McKee and Associates Architecture and Interior Design


Andalusia City Board of Education


131,300 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Andalusia Elementary School employs the theme school concept. Child-friendly architecture can be used to teach through an interactive theme related to the surrounding community.
The school board had been operating two elementary schools in buildings that were 90 and 75 years old. It decided to build a combined elementary school to accommodate 900 students in grades K to 5.
The objective was to take advantage of the economics of operating only one facility, but create a facility that incorporates the advantages of a small school. The school is designed so that each of the groupings of grades (K-1, 2-3, 4-5) each has its own wing or “street.”
The school was constructed on 40 acres of farmland on a major highway. Distinctly situated on the highest part of the site, the school creates an impressive landmark and sign of progress as you enter the city of Andalusia.
A sense of community was an important element in the design of the interior. When entering the front doors of the school, the space becomes a thematic representation of Andalusia. This building has a central rotunda with radiating streets to the various grade-level wings. The town square is a cartoon mockup of the actual town square.

“A well-executed thematic value; a functional and fun environment for kids.” 2002 Jury

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Special Citation

Featured in

2002 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Common Areas

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