American International School of Zagreb | New Combined PK–12 Facility

Zagreb, Croatia


Flansburgh Architects


American International School of Zagreb


90,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design team
David Croteau (Principal-in-Charge); Jenni Katajamäki (Project Architect)

This new high-performance K-12 International School unites a personalized learning environment with Bundek Park, an iconic park at the center of Novi Zagreb. Multiple courtyards, green roofs, and community space form the heart of the school. It has achieved the highest level of sustainability among buildings in Croatia. The simple, orthogonal plan weaves outdoor and indoor spaces to engage students with the outdoors, promote wellness, and foster an atmosphere where success is achieved through interdependence.

The school provides an aspirational and welcoming community setting where both foreign dignitaries and elementary students can feel at home. The school uses the dining commons as an arrival, gathering, and meeting space. The west wall is wood, and the east wall is glass along two interior courtyards.Black window mullions, light grey floor, and white ceiling give the space a simple elegance. Daylight pours in from all directions, and views to courtyards evoke a natural landscape.

These elements, combined with a simple plan, provide a calming space that resonates with our innate human emotions.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Sangrad + AVP

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