Alfred G. Waters Middle School

Middletown, Delaware


Gilbert Architects Inc.


Appoquinimink School District


111,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


This 1,000-student middle school is dedicated to the memory of Alfred G. Waters, a devoted educator and lifelong learner who served as a teacher, principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent of Appoquinimink School District. He is remembered most for providing leadership and inspiration to thousands of young people.
The school houses students in grades 6 to 8, each with its own academic wing. Students and teachers can use centralized learning pods in each wing, allowing for a variety of applications including team-teaching presentations, science labs and group projects. A central spine through the main building connects the three wings and encompasses common areas, including a gymnasium, auditorium, cafeteria, library/media center, computer lab, administration suite, reception area, teacher workrooms and conference rooms.
The overall design is part of the campus plan, allowing for greater efficiencies within the site. Its flexibility encourages a sense of community, allowing for zoning of after-hours activities and providing a sense of synergy reflective of today’s educational requirements.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2008 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Library/Media Center Furniture by Montel
Library/Media Center Furniture by Worden
Auditorium/Assembly Furniture by Hussey Seating
Doors by VT Industries
Computer Furniture by Virco
Classroom Furniture by HON
Classroom Furniture by Virco
Bleachers/Grandstands by Hussey Seating
Carpet by Shaw
Draperies/Blinds by Bali
Lounge Furniture by KI
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Cabinets by LSI Corp
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Cafeteria Furniture by KI
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by Claridge
Ceramic Tile by American Olean
Flooring by Armstrong World Industries
Science Furniture by Virco
Physical-Education Flooring by Robbins Sports Surfaces
Multipurpose Areas Furniture by Virco
Office Furniture by HON
Lockers by Penco Products
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