Alabama Coushatta Tribe of Texas – Education Center

Livingston, Texas


kga, Inc.


Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas


50,210 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas Education Center, the first large-scale civic building for the tribe, will house a Head Start program, community center (library, education, and youth services programs) and an after-hours activities center.

In recognition of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas’ rich cultural history, the project draws inspiration from four concepts: nature, balance, unity, and knowledge. The interior design emphasizes the idea of nature and bringing balance into the space through the site’s natural surroundings.

The design of the lobbies features natural finishes such as taupe wood tones, natural stone, and blue hues to emphasize nature. The same brick used in the exterior is carried into the lobby, unifying the outside with the inside. The library embodies a different atmosphere; a dark earth tone palette creates a more intimate setting with curved ceiling fins and floral acoustical pendants. Additionally, clerestory windows down the hallways bring daylight into the interior of the building.

By bringing in nature, balance, and unity to the overall interior design, the building will provide an inviting place for the tribe and community.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2021 Educational Interiors Showcase


Work in Progress

Interior category

Interior Work in Progress

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